Air Purification Systems

Reduce the spread of infections in your business

The global pandemic and its resulting social and economic effects have been unprecedented. Returning to “normal” life will demand Sanitation interventions and much more than just social distancing and hand washing. We each breathe around 11,000 litres of air per day, and in our places of work, education and recreation contagious and easily transmitted airborne pathogens need to be eradicated to help keep us healthy and safe and to Keep our Buildings open.

In many office buildings 75% of the air people breathe is re-circulated air and only 25% is ventilated or outside fresh air. As the air around us can be responsible for harbouring virus and bacterial pathogens for indefinite periods of time, the only solution is to clean the air itself.

  • Air Disinfection protects your staff and clients

  • Air Disinfection removes airborne bacteria and viruses

  • Air Disinfection reduces the spread of seasonal infections

  • Air Disinfection neutralises VOC’s & other pollutants to minimise headaches & irritation

  • Air Disinfection can reduce your energy consumption and other costs

  • Air Disinfection mitigates odours such as BO and cosmetics to improve the environment

LLoyds Pharmacy

Our Products

Using UV-C and Medical grade Filtration, or High Efficiency Particulate Air HEPA filters, we ensure that your Building is protected to levels that other air purification systems do not achieve. SES Ltd will ensure our systems are specified to suit the Building, shape, size and design, with particular attention paid to the use and occupancy details. Our Products will give peace of mind and ensure you will be safe in the Knowledge that you have both an economical solution and a safe working environment to operate your business in and to Keep it open and revenue flowing.

Is it right for your building?

  • Air Purification provides a healthy productive environment

  • Air Purification products are safe, affordable, effective and easy to install

  • Healthy workplaces are good for business

  • Air Purification Technology offer additional protection against COVID-19 and other viruses and bacteria

  • Air Purification Systems meet our SECURE 1, 2 and 3 criteria

Metro Station