Consulting | Keeping Buildings Open
Aerosol transmission of Virus and Bacteria in the Air is now much better understood and is becoming the “go to” suspect in the continuation of the spread of viral infections of all types.
SES experienced consultants can provide a Building survey report for Larger Buildings and more complex building layouts.
HVAC layout and the use of Public spaces including the activities of the staff and clients in those buildings will be recorded and assessment made to produce a comprehensive report on how your property can be protected. We assess the risks, the costs and will give recommendations that will be clearly articulated in our comprehensive report.
SES Ltd should be a First choice Disinfection partner for Building Sanitation recommendations.
Do it well and do it properly, Keep your Buildings open
To help Keep your Buildings open and help you through the current challenges SES can provide an independent report on all Buildings from a bakery to a warehouse with every type of office in between. We survey Rooms, heat, source, fabric type, vents, shape, size, conversion effects, aerosol effects, lights, ventilation and Air Conditioning type and effect, material composition survey, dust survey, window and sun-cast survey, BMS controls and effects.
These all lead to recommended levels of security, to ensure owners and users of buildings are compliant with protective measures and protected from adverse atmospheres in the Building Envelope. Our report will ensure your peace of mind in these difficult circumstances.
After the report, what happens?
SES will recommend three security levels for your protection. The SES report and recommendations provides business and property owners the assurance that their business and rental incomes are protected and remain competitive in a changing world.
Secure One

This first level of security, Secure One, will guarantee your business and building will have protection based on the survey data gathered and the estimated number of people using the space. The economics of protection at this level will be affordable and will cover best practice, given the operating conditions.
Secure Two

Second level Secure Two will build on the best practice advice for keeping the business or building open, and add supplementary measures to ensure ‘hot spot’ areas are dealt with and transmission nodes are recognised for risk analysis.
Secure Three

Secure Three will ensure a full ‘Belt and Braces’ approach is supplied with products that will protect the business, all users, and will add local treatments to Air systems and surfaces ensuring clean room style meeting places for Industry to confidently continue with an ‘Open building as normal’ policy.