Why use Disinfection Professionals? Our Record and Experience

SES was established from decades of experience in the UK regulated water supply industry, this learned knowledge enables us to help you create a safe working environment.

We understand that keeping your workspace open is crucial to keep your business operating.

We come from a regulated supply chain in public consumption where we use our experience, knowledge and diligence to ensure your working environment or public space is safe and protected.

We use UV-C, Air Purification Systems, Disinfection Liquids and combinations of these technologies, to help keep you, your staff, clients and customers protected in the most efficient way possible.

We can provide a full consultancy report for your entire building or portfolio, recommending best practise and cost analysis data. As proven and utilised for decades in water treatment, UV-C also kills aerosol transmission of virus material.

This forms the basis of our building disinfection systems and advice.

Call Us on 0131 210 0340 today, for further information

Covid Safe Offices
Public Transport Sanitation

Keep your Business Open

Coronavirus is still very much an unknown and the UK Government and insurers are under increased pressure to keep our businesses open and supply chains working.

However business owners need to ensure indoor air quality is safe to ensure customer and staff safety in order to keep revenues flowing and jobs secure. SES is a collaborative solutions provider for your Business.

  • We know that keeping your workplace open is crucial
  • We provide clear and safe disinfection systems to help ‘Keep Business Open’
  • We will help you keep your Building open and your business operating.

Let us help you get your Disinfection needs and systems under control.

Call us on 0131 210 0340 today, for further information

Your Safe Work Environment is our World

For too long we have we have taken for granted the safety of the atmospheric envelope of our business and commercial premises. The Novel Coronavirus pandemic has changed that.

What is very different is the transmission of Coronavirus. Like the common cold, Covid 19 is a virus that as an aerosol can float in the atmosphere, however this form of Coronavirus aerosol is highly contagious. Nature has shown us that when we let our guard down, novel biological life can wreak havoc with our commercial lives, typically affecting our health and wellbeing.

Regardless of conflicting information and guidance, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is clear in its science and simplicity of message. Aerosol transmission in your building air is now the biggest risk to staff and clients.

SES has a range of solutions that are proven to kill aerosol virus transmissions and Keep your Workplace Safe.

Office Covid Prevention
Supermarket Air Cleaning

Be Sure, Be Safe

SES uses a comprehensive disinfection treatment train that will safeguard your clients and your staff to the highest level of protection and security.

  • SES will only supply laboratory tested equipment to UKAS standards or equivalent with guaranteed, research evidence based effectiveness.
  • We ensure all our recommendations and products are safe and non-injurious to human health. WE DO NO HARM.
  • We will never compromise on inferior equipment or technology.

The certainty of having tested equipment is backed by our detailed accreditation. This current pandemic, as well as any future biological threat to our health and safety, means we must protect our business interests in the most efficient ways possible.

Call us on 0131 240 0340 today, for further information

SES Consultants can supply a full survey report on your Building Disinfection risks and solutions

To help Keep your Buildings open and help you through the current challenges SES experienced consultants can provide a Building survey report all types of commercial property and more complex building layouts. We assess the risks, the costs and will give recommendations that will be clearly articulated in our comprehensive report.

These all lead to recommended levels of security, to ensure owners and users of buildings are compliant with protective measures and protected from adverse atmospheres in the Building Envelope. Our report will ensure your peace of mind in these difficult circumstances.

Make SES your Disinfection partner for Building Sanitation advice and recommendations

After the report, what happens?

SES Ltd will recommend three security levels for your protection. The SES Ltd report and recommendations provides business and property owners the assurance that their business and rental incomes are protected and remain competitive in a changing world.

Factory Environment